Selected Publications

1. S. Baud , L. Duca, B. Bochicchio, B. Brassart, N. Belloy, A. Pepe, M. Dauchez, L. Martiny , L. Debelle . Elastin peptides in aging and pathological conditions. Biomolecular Concepts, 2013, 4, 65-76.
2. B. Bochicchio, A. Pepe, F. Delaunay, M. Lorusso, S. Baud, M. Dauchez. Amyloidogenesis of proteolytic fragments of human elastin. RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 32,13273-13285.

3. J. Dandurand, V. Samouillan, M.H. Lacoste-Ferre, C. Lacabanne, B. Bochicchio, A. Pepe. Conformational and thermal characterization of a synthetic peptidic fragment inspired from human tropoelastin: signature of the amyloid fibers. Pathologie Biologie, 2014, 62, 100-107.

4. J. Dandurand, V. Samouillan, C. Lacabanne, A. Pepe, B. Bochicchio. Water structure and elastin like peptide aggregation: a differential calorimetric approach; Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, 120, 419-426 .

5. B. Bochicchio, A. Pepe, M. Crudele, S. Baud, N. Belloy, M. Dauchez. Tuning self-assembly in elastin-derived peptides. Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3385-3395

6. V. Samouillan, J. Dandurand, N. Causse, C. Lacabanne, B. Bochicchio, A. Pepe Influence of the architecture on the molecular mobility of synthetic fragments inspired from human tropoelastin. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22,1427-143.

7. V. Samouillan, E. Revuelta-Lopez, C. Soler Botija, J. Dandurand, A. Benitez-Amaro, L. Nasare, D. De Gonzalo-Calvo, A. Bayes-Genis, C. Lacabanne, V. Llorente Cortes. Conformational and thermal characterization of left ventricle remodeling post myocardial infarction. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular basis of disease, 2017, 1863 (6), 1500-1509.

8.V. Samouillan, J. Dandurand, C.Lacabanne, M. Spina, V. Llorente-Cortes, B.Bochicchio, A. Pepe. Vascular aging: structure and dynamics of constitutive  macromolecules and sub-fragments. Bordeaux viva winter school - XXXIII LIAC meeting: 29 November to 1 December. DOI: 10.19277/bbr.14.2.169 Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research Jornal de Investigação Biomédica e Biofarmacêutica Supplement │ Suplemento Biomed Biopharm Res, 2017; (14) 2: , 287-309.

9. Dandurand J., Samouillan V., Lacabanne C., Pepe A., Bochicchio B. Phase behavior and chain dynamics of elastin-like peptides versus amino acid sequences Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 131, 1323-1332.

10. A. Benitez Amaro, V. Samouillan, E. Jorge, J. Dandurand, L. Nasarre, D. De Gonzalo Calvo, O. Bornachea, G. Amoros Figueras; C. Lacabanne, D. Vilades, R. Leta, F.Carreras, A. Gallardo, E. Lerma, J. Cinca, J. Guerra, V. Llorente Cortes. Identification of new biophysical markers for pathological ventricular remodelling in tachycardia-induced dilated cardiomyopathy. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2018, 22, 4197-4208.

11. V. Samouillan, J. Dandurand, C. Lacabanne, M. Spina, V. Llorente-Cortes. Biophysical methods to characterize cardiovascular tissues. Journal of Cardiology Case Reports, 2018, 1, 1-3.

12. Rodrigues LM, Silva HN, Ferreira H, Gadeau AP. Characterizing Vascular Dysfunction in Genetically Modified Mice through the Hyperoxia Model. International journal of molecular sciences, 2019, 20, 2178.

13. Rodrigues LM, Silva H, Ferreira H, Renault MA, Gadeau AP. Observations on the perfusion recovery of regenerative angiogenesis in an ischemic limb model under hyperoxia. Physiological Reports. 2018, DOI:10.14814/phy2.13736.






Carlos Rodriguez Cabello, Alessandra Girotti, Matilde Alonso, Javier Arias, Bracalello Angelo, Pepe Antonietta, Bochicchio Brigida. Biopolymers including chimeric polypeptides (Italian Patent N.0001429709).